Saturday, August 14, 2010

KOB Shot of the Day #72: Plate Spinning...

Shot with iPhone, click to enlarge. the middle of a complicated series of "Plate shots" for a visual gag that, if we played our cards right, will be a real gut-puncher. This part is just one of 4 separate practical pieces that, with the help of our Visual FX team at Comen FX (who've been great to have on-set to assist us in getting what we need for post) will in the end look like one seamless moment when blended in. Stuff like this can REALLY scramble your brain, especially when we're minutes from daylight and racing to the finish line, but I think we nailed the moment and ended Week 5 on a pretty bloody note, which is always nice to do. Thanks all for another week of hard work everyone! Time for a drink or 10.



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